Information for Participants

Introduction to Victoria People Solutions

Victoria People Solutions Pty Ltd (VPS) currently delivers a range of integrated programs and services for adults living with disabilities. The programs and services include Supported Independent Living and community access activities.

As an NDIS registered provider we strive for positive outcomes for the people we support, empowering them to be connected, engaged and valued members of the broader community. Our mission is to support all Victorians to live a fulfilling life.

We firmly believe that the foundation of continued success is our values-based, high-performance culture. We are accountable for delivering on our word; respect our colleagues and encourage the pursuit of their development, rewarding performance and celebrating achievements; embrace excellence as a guiding principle to continually challenge ourselves; are caring and committed to act with compassion, integrity, and honesty; and work together to make a difference, valuing our uniqueness and embracing our diversity. Led by a clear vision, strong governance, and a deep commitment to our mission statement, VPS’ long-term strategy also includes the delivery of an ambitious growth plan, which will be achieved by consolidating our role in the market and achieving excellent stakeholder relationships.


You can access a copy of our Privacy Policy here.

VPS will only collect information that will assist you making the most of our services. How we manage, store and share your personal information will be explained at the Intake and Planning meeting.

Before we collect and store any of your personal information, including any audio/visual format material VPS will always:

  • Inform you and seek your consent to use and store the personal information and state:

  • Why we are asking for your information and what we are going to do with it.

  • What law, if any, allows us to ask for your information.

  • Who else will see your information, including other staff within the organisation.

  • What will happen if you don’t provide your information, and

  • What to do if you believe your personal information has been mishandle.

  • What reasonable steps we will take to keep information about you accurate, complete and up to date.

VPS will only use or disclose information about you for the reason it was collected, or for a related purpose you would reasonably expect. You may also read our Privacy Collection Notice here.

In some situations, the law also allows your information to be used for other reasons, such as to protect your safety or for law enforcement purposes.

VPS will take reasonable steps to keep your personal information safe and make sure it is not lost or misused.

All record that are maintained by VPS are stored either electronically in a restricted cloud-based storage system, this cloud-based information management system has multi-factor authentication capability and is BitLocker encrypted to prevent unauthorised use or disclosure of information.

In the case of hard copies, they are stored in a locked filing cabinet with key access restricted to the management and executives. Should a hard copy by required for any reason a request can be made by staff outlining the reasons by email to The request will then be reviewed by the Business Manager and a decision made; they will contact you to advise of the decision.

Rights and Responsibilities

Victoria People Solutions Pty Ltd (VPS) currently delivers a range of integrated programs and services for adults living with disabilities. The programs and services include Supported Independent Living and community access activities.
As an NDIS registered provider we strive for positive outcomes for the people we support, empowering them to be connected, engaged and valued members of the broader community. Our mission is to support all Victorians to live a fulfilling life.
We firmly believe that the foundation of continued success is our values-based, high-performance culture. We are accountable for delivering on our word; respect our colleagues and encourage the pursuit of their development, rewarding performance and celebrating achievements; embrace excellence as a guiding principle to continually challenge ourselves; are caring and committed to act with compassion, integrity, and honesty; and work together to make a difference, valuing our uniqueness and embracing our diversity. Led by a clear vision, strong governance, and a deep commitment to our mission statement, VPS’ long-term strategy also includes the delivery of an ambitious growth plan, which will be achieved by consolidating our role in the market and achieving excellent stakeholder relationships.We aim to provide an excellent, respectful, and caring service, which demonstrates our belief in the intrinsic worth of people by respecting differences, cherishing individually and nourishing dignity.

We are passionate about upholding the rights of our participants and encourage people to understand their rights. We also want to equip you with information on what to do if you feel that your rights have not been respected.

People living with mental health conditions have the same rights as other people in their community including the right to freedom, respect, equality, and dignity and to fulfil their potential, to exercise control over their own lives, and to live free from abuse or neglect.

We recognise and support the specific laws that are in place to protect the rights of people with a disability including the:

  • UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2007

  • Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006

  • Victorian Disability Act 2006

You have the right to:

  • Be treated in a professional, courteous, and caring manner that respects and appreciates differences related to race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientations, religion, personal values, age, disability, and economic or veteran status.

  • Receive humane care and treatment, with respect and consideration.

  • Access supports that are free from violence, abuse, neglect, exploitation, or discrimination.

  • Have your rights recognised in accordance with the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (Vic).

  • Expect that your personal privacy will be respected, and confidentiality protected.

  • Practice your culture, values, and beliefs while accessing supports.

  • Be provided with a safe environment on premises maintained by VPS.

  • Be included in decision making about the service you receive including preferred gender of worker (where available) and choose to use or not to use our service.

  • Have autonomy, including your right to intimacy and sexual expression.

  • Expect us to work in a collaborative manner with your healthcare professionals and respect their contribution.

  • Receive a prompt and efficient service and accurate, accessible, and relevant information in a timely manner regarding the scope and availability of services.

  • Make a complaint about the service received from VPS and expect that this complaint will be investigated appropriately and in confidence without retribution.

  • Review and amend your personal records with a VPS representative in attendance.

  • Have an advocate, interpreters, cultural liaison worker, family member or friend present at your service planning meeting if desired.

  • Actively participate in the development and provision of our services.

  • Be informed VPS’ legal reporting requirements in the provision of NDIS funded services.

As a Participant, you have an obligation to:

  • Be respectful of others, VPS staff and other participants and VPS property

  • Maintain confidentiality regarding information about other participants

  • Provide complete and accurate information to ensure the most appropriate service can be delivered including about your NDIS Plan and goals

  • Ask questions to ensure my understanding of the services provided and the claims process

  • Inform VPS when I am unable to keep a scheduled appointment. Where possible, give VPS 24 hours’ notice if I cannot make a scheduled appointment. I agree to do this by contacting VPS directly on 1300 404 177.

  • Attend the service in a fit state (not unwell, intoxicated/under the influence of drugs or unable to participate fully) and inform our staff of any changes to your situation or risks that may/or will have an impact on them

  • Provide consent to obtain accurate and up to date information about yourself to receive the best possible support including changes such as health or behaviour support needs, nominated representative, address and contact details etc.

  • Arrive and depart at the designated Program start and finish time 

  • Pay additional expense invoice fees to VPS by the due date

  • Raise any concerns or suggestions for improvement about the service being provided

  • Notify VPS immediately if there are any changes to your NDIS plan, including suspension, my old NDIS plan is being replaced by a new NDIS plan or I stop being a NDIS participant.

Code Of Conduct

  • Abide by the philosophy of our organisation.

  • Observe all the rules of our organisation.

  • Provide supports to participants in a safe, ethical manner with care and skill.

  • Work safely and competently, in accordance with the policies and procedures of our organisation.

  • Respect the dignity, culture, values and beliefs of all individuals.

  • Do not discriminate against participants on any basis.

  • Respond in flexible and innovative ways to support participant decision-making.

  • Do not discuss confidential issues with people outside the organisation; regard all information provided by a participant as confidential, and never disclose personal information to a participant.

  • Do not harass other staff members of our organisation.

  • Do not alienate participants from their family or representatives.

  • Do not take illegal drugs or consume alcohol when on duty and when on the organisation or participant’s premises.

  • You must not smoke cigarettes, e cigarettes, or vaping within sight of the company’s premises.

  • Never accept gifts or purchase items from participants.

  • Do not engage in sexual misconduct with participants.

  • Staff are never to take a participant to their (staff member’s) home or engage in a relationship with a participant outside of a professional association.

  • Always positively represent our organisation.

  • Always wear clean and appropriate work clothes, or uniform, while at work.

  • Adhere to all our record keeping and accounting procedures.

  • Provide quality services.

List of Advocate

All participants have the right to appoint an advocate on their behalf. An advocate Is Independent of your provider or government and Is someone who can assist you to exercise choice and control and to have your voice heard. The Office of the public advocate is empowered by law to promote and safeguard the rights and responsibilities of people with disability. Advocacy services may be able to provide advice, ac, speak or write to promote and defend your human rights. An advocate acts at your direction, reflecting your wishes and preferences. Victoria People Solutions respects your choice of advocate and encourages all participants to use the services for supports such as:

  • Raising complaints and assisting to settle disputes with service providers.

  • Navigating the NDIS

  • Housing

  • Access to supports and services.

  • Physical access to building or transport

Who can be an advocate?

  • A family member or friend

  • A trained advocate

A list of Advocates is below.

  • Self-Advocacy Resource Unit: 9639 6856

  • Victoria Advocacy League for Individuals with Disability: 03 9416 4003 –

  • Right Information and Advocacy Centre: 5822 1944 –

  • Valid Individual Advocacy Service: 1800 655 570

  • Disability Services Commissioner: 1800 667 342

  • National Disability Insurance Scheme:

Feedback and Complaints

If you feel your VPS support worker, or any of our staff, are not putting your needs and choices at the centre of your care, or you have another complaint about our staff, you have the right to say something about it and to have your concerns addressed. 

What to do if this happens?

If you have an issue with a VPS staff member or our services, we encourage you to start by talking with the person directly to explain your concerns. It may be a misunderstanding or something that can be easily resolved.

We encourage you to:

  1. Talk to the person and try to solve it together

  2. If that doesn’t work or you don’t feel comfortable doing that you can either:

– Call us on 1300 404 177

– Email us on

– Send us a letter at 85 Douglas Parade, Williamstown 3016

– Fill out our “Contact Us” form with your feedback

Or, if you are super happy with one of our staff and want to let us know, please tell your worker and or email us and tell us your good news, we love positive feedback!

“It’s OK to Complain”

Victoria People Solutions is committed to ensuring our participants feel empowered to speak up about what is and isn’t working with any aspect of your service. We welcome feedback as a way of continually improving the high quality, centred care we strive to deliver. We value feedback, so we can improve our services. We acknowledge that it can be difficult for people to speak up, particularly when making a complaint and we are committed to maintaining a culture that is blame free and resolution focused with processes that are transparent, easy to use and understand.

What will happen when you provide feedback?

We will let you know we have your complaint within 3 working days.

  • Talk or communicate with you in a way you understand about what happened.

  • Ask you what you want to happen.

  • Keep you updated with actions that follow.

  • Ask If you are happy with the outcome.

  • Help to be supported by an advocate if you need/ask for it.

  • Explore your options for review if you are not happy, Including referring your complaint to an external agency.

Other options for making a complaint:

  • NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission 1800 035 544

  • National Disability Insurance Agency 1800 800 110

  • Australian Human Rights Commission 1300 656 419

  • Victorian Ombudsman 1800 806 314


  • Victorian Disability Worker Commission 1800 497 132

  • Or contact an advocate

How We Manage Incidents

Victoria People Solutions fosters a culture supportive of incident identification and reporting which helps ensure that we’re aware of all incidents that occur and are working towards continuous improvement in the safety of services to people with disability and within our office environment.

Victoria People Solutions’ procedures require reporting on incidents involving participants, that occur in connection with the provision of supports and services. In addition, and in accordance with the NDIS Incident Management guidelines, the incidents below will also be reported to the Quality and Safeguards Commission:

  • Serious injury of a person with disability

  • Abuse or neglect of a person with disability

  • Unlawful sexual or physical contact with, or assault of, a person with disability

  • Sexual misconduct, committed against, or in the presence of, a person with disability, (including grooming of the person with disability for sexual activity).

  • Unauthorised use of restrictive practices in relation to a person with disability

  • The death of a person with disability

All incidents that happen in the delivery of NDIS supports and services will be recorded and managed in our incident management system. We will identify any incident and respond, including the activities undertaken to ensure the safety and wellbeing of participants and workers. We will appropriately assess and/or investigate all incidents and inform you of the outcome if you are directly involved in the incident.

To access the NDIS Incident Management Guidelines you can follow this link

If you would like a copy of our Incident Policy, please let us know.

Useful Links